// -*- mode: JDE; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Key Generation Algorithm // // Synopsis: // Crypter, a realizatin with the Cramer Shoup Cryptosystem // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // @TABLE OF CONTENTS: [TOCD: 19:02 11 Jul 2002] // // [1] Cryptographic Functions // [1.1] Create New prime p // [2] Print Results // ========================================================== // @FILE: KeyGeneratorCS.java // @PLACE: Mars Workstation // @FORMAT: java // @AUTHOR: M. Oliver M'o'ller // @BEGUN: Thu Jul 11 10:59:06 2002 // @VERSION: $Revision: 1.6 $ $Date: 2004/11/10 08:17:08 $ // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // $Id: KeyGeneratorCS.java,v 1.6 2004/11/10 08:17:08 oli Exp $ // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // @SPELL: british Wed Jul 7 07:43:06 2004 import java.lang.*; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Date; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; //**** from other packages //**************************************** /** * * @author M. Oliver Möller * @version 1.0alpha Sun Jul 14 23:45:35 2002 */ public class KeyGeneratorCS { // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////////////////////////////// FIELDS //////////////////////////////// // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Name of this version (should be global for project) */ public static final String VERSION_NAME = "1.2 $Revision: 1.6 $"; /** * Date of last changes */ public static final String VERSION_DATE = "$Date: 2004/11/10 08:17:08 $"; /** * String describing the version of this API */ public static final String VERSION = VERSION_NAME + " " + VERSION_DATE; /** * Certainty that a used pseudoprime is actually prime * (probability (1/2)^certainty of failure) */ private static int certainty = 100; /** * Name and email of the owner */ private static String owner = "nobody "; /** * Name of the geneated key */ private static String keyname = "Chocklate"; /** * Number of bits in prime p (primeP) */ private static int nbits = -1; /** * Large modolus Integer */ private static BigInteger primeP; /** * Generator for the ring modulo primeP */ private static BigInteger g1; /** * Generator for the ring modulo primeP */ private static BigInteger g2; /** * Generator for the ring modulo primeP */ private static BigInteger hg1; /** * Generator for the ring modulo primeP */ private static BigInteger hg2; /** * Other numbers used in Key Generation */ private static BigInteger c,d,h,x1,x2,y1,y2,z; /** * Array of prime factors of (p-1), mixed order */ private static BigInteger[] pMinus1factorization; /** * Array of exponents for the prime factors of (p-1), * ordered as in pMinus1factorization */ private static int[] pMinus1factorizationExponents; /** * Output Filename (optional) */ static String filename = null; static long[] initialPrimes = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 } ; private static Vector primes; private static int primePointer; private static BigInteger const2 = new BigInteger("2"); private static BigInteger const3 = new BigInteger("3"); private static BigInteger const4 = new BigInteger("4"); private static BigInteger const5 = new BigInteger("5"); private static BigInteger const7 = new BigInteger("7"); private static BigInteger const9 = new BigInteger("9"); private static BigInteger const11 = new BigInteger("11"); private static BigInteger const13 = new BigInteger("13"); private static BigInteger const17 = new BigInteger("17"); private static BigInteger const19 = new BigInteger("19"); private static BigInteger const23 = new BigInteger("23"); private static BigInteger const256 = new BigInteger("256"); private static BigInteger const2310 = new BigInteger("2310"); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////////////////////////// CONSTRUCTORS //////////////////////////// // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Default Constructor */ public KeyGeneratorCS() { } public static void main(String argv []) throws java.io.IOException { int i = 0; int bits = -1; if(0 == argv.length) abort(); while(i< argv.length){ if(argv[i].charAt(0) == '-'){ if(1 == (argv[i]).length() ) abort(); switch (argv[i].charAt(1)) { case 'f' : if(++i == argv.length) abort(); filename = argv[i]; break; case 'n' : if(++i == argv.length) abort(); keyname = argv[i]; break; case 'o' : if(++i == argv.length) abort(); owner = argv[i]; break; case 'c' : if(++i == argv.length) abort(); certainty = (new Integer(argv[i])).intValue(); if(certainty <1) abort(); break; case 'h' : printUsage(); printDescription(); System.exit(0); break; default : System.out.println("ERROR: unexpected option " + argv[i]); abort(); } } else { // setting random bits if(bits < 0) bits = (new Integer(argv[i])).intValue(); else abort(); } i++; } if(bits <= 0) abort(); System.out.println("** Number of random bits: " + bits ); if( null != filename ) System.out.println("** Output filename : " + filename ); else System.out.println("** Output : stdout"); System.out.println("** Key-Name Prefix : " + keyname ); System.out.println("** Owner : " + owner ); System.out.println("** Certainty : " + certainty ); System.out.println(); primes = new Vector(); for(i = 0; i < initialPrimes.length; i++){ primes.addElement(new BigInteger((new Long(initialPrimes[i])).toString())); } OutputStreamWriter sw; if( null != filename){ File f = new File(filename); if(new File(filename).exists()){ System.out.println("++ Error: file \"" + filename + "\"exists."); System.exit(0); } sw = new FileWriter(f); } else { sw = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out); } createNewKey(bits); outputCryptoModule(sw); } /** * Explain the usage (command line) */ private static void printUsage(){ System.out.println("KeyGeneratorCS V " + VERSION + " \n"); System.out.println("USAGE: java KeyGeneratorCS [OPTIONS] NBITS\n"); System.out.println(" NBITS: (minimal) number of random bits in key"); System.out.println(" OPTIONS: "); System.out.println(" -f FILENAME write the new CrytoModule to file"); System.out.println(" -n NAME name of the generated key [default: " + keyname + "]"); System.out.println(" -o OWNER name+email of owner [default: " + owner +"]"); System.out.println(" -c CERTAINTY risk of guessing a bad prime is (1/2)^c [default: " + certainty +"]"); System.out.println(" -h display help"); } /** * Explain the usage (command line) and EXIT */ private static void abort(){ printUsage(); System.exit(0); } /** * Print the description */ private static void printDescription(){ System.out.println(""); System.out.println("DESCRIPTION:"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(" This serves as the key-generation algorithm for the Crypter applet."); System.out.println(" Actually it creates both the key and wraps it into a CryptoModule."); System.out.println(" To use this properly, do the following:"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(" 1) create a file CryptoModule.java, e.g., via"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(" java KeyGeneratorCS -f CryptoModule.java -n \"YOUR NAME \" 2030"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(" 2) compile the file CryptoModule.java in the same directory as you"); System.out.println(" have Crypter.java"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(" javac CryptoModule.java Crypter.java"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(" 3) You can now use the command line to encrypt and decrypt:"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(" java Crypter e MESSAGEFILE CRYPTOFILE"); System.out.println(" java Crypter d CRYPTOFILE DECRYPTED-MESSAGE"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(" IMPORTANT NOTES:"); System.out.println(" - if you want to make the Crypto-Applet available for online encryption,"); System.out.println(" then copy CryptoModule.java to a separate directory and"); System.out.println(" replace all the SECRET KEY parts in CryptoModule.java with { 0 } ."); System.out.println(" This version of the CryptoModule can then encrypt, but not decrypt."); System.out.println(" Never make your secret key available to anyone!"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(" - if you use very small keys (< 500), the system is very vulnerable to"); System.out.println(" brute force attacks. There is a trade off between security and"); System.out.println(" time it takes to encrypt/decrypt. Keys with at least 1000 random bits"); System.out.println(" are recommended."); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(" You can find an example usage of the encryption via a web-browser on"); System.out.println(" http://www.verify-it.de/sub/crypter.html"); System.out.println(""); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////// METHODS /////////////////////////////// // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ================================================================= // [1] Cryptographic Functions // ================================================================= /** * Creates the complete key */ private static void createNewKey(int bits){ System.out.println("-- creating new key with minimum " + bits + " random bits ------------------"); createPrimePair(bits); showFactorization(); create4Generator(); showGenerators(); Random rnd = new Random(); do { x1 = (new BigInteger(nbits, rnd)).mod(primeP); } while(x1.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)); do { x2 = (new BigInteger(nbits, rnd)).mod(primeP); } while(x2.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)); do { y1 = (new BigInteger(nbits, rnd)).mod(primeP); } while(y1.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)); do { y2 = (new BigInteger(nbits, rnd)).mod(primeP); } while(y2.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)); do { z = (new BigInteger(nbits, rnd)).mod(primeP); } while(z.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)); c = ((g1.modPow(x1,primeP)).multiply(g2.modPow(x2,primeP))).mod(primeP); d = ((g1.modPow(y1,primeP)).multiply(g2.modPow(y2,primeP))).mod(primeP); h = g1.modPow(z, primeP); System.out.println("-- key creation finished --------------------------------------------"); } /** * computes a bigger (strong pseudoprim)-number than n * uses Miller-Rabin-Test * k reflects the number of bits in n * (neccessary, for the log of n is not evaluable any more) * * This function not only computes a prime p but also finds * a prime p = r*q + 1 for a small r. */ private static void createPrimePair(int bits){ if(bits < 10){ System.out.println(">> Number of given bits too small."); System.exit(0); } else { // ========================================= // [1.1] Create New prime p // ========================================= Random rnd = new Random(); BigInteger primeQ = new BigInteger(bits, certainty, rnd); while( (primeQ.mod(const3)).equals(BigInteger.ZERO) || (primeQ.mod(const5)).equals(BigInteger.ZERO) || (primeQ.mod(const7)).equals(BigInteger.ZERO) || (primeQ.mod(const9)).equals(BigInteger.ZERO) || (primeQ.mod(const11)).equals(BigInteger.ZERO) || (primeQ.mod(const13)).equals(BigInteger.ZERO) || (primeQ.mod(const17)).equals(BigInteger.ZERO) || (primeQ.mod(const19)).equals(BigInteger.ZERO) || (primeQ.mod(const23)).equals(BigInteger.ZERO) ){ primeQ = new BigInteger(bits, certainty, rnd); } System.out.println("Start with: " + primeQ.toString()); Vector shiftCandidates = new Vector(); shiftCandidates.addElement((primeQ.multiply(const2)).add(BigInteger.ONE)); BigInteger numberP = primeQ.mod(const2310); BigInteger shift; BigInteger bigI; int i; for(i=2; i < 2310; i++){ bigI = (new BigInteger((new Integer(i)).toString())); shift = (numberP.multiply(bigI)); if( ((shift.mod(const3)).equals(BigInteger.ONE)) || ((shift.mod(const5)).equals(const2)) || ((shift.mod(const7)).equals(const3)) || ((shift.mod(const11)).equals(const5)) ){ // skip } else { shiftCandidates.addElement(((primeQ.multiply(bigI)).multiply(const2)).subtract((BigInteger)(shiftCandidates.elementAt(shiftCandidates.size() - 1)))); } } System.out.println("Actual 2310 grid size: " + shiftCandidates.size()); BigInteger longJ = BigInteger.ONE; boolean notfound = true; while(notfound){ System.out.print("="); numberP = ((longJ.multiply(primeQ)).multiply(const2)).add(BigInteger.ONE); longJ = longJ.add(const2310); i = 1; while(i < shiftCandidates.size()){ if(numberP.isProbablePrime(certainty)){ notfound = false; i = shiftCandidates.size(); } else { numberP = numberP.add((BigInteger)shiftCandidates.elementAt(i++)); System.out.print("+"); } } } System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Found: p = " + numberP.toString()); System.out.println("Found: q = " + primeQ.toString()); nbits = numberP.bitLength(); primeP = numberP; // -- Factorizing p-1 ------------------------------------------------ BigInteger bigN = (numberP.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)).divide(primeQ); Vector pMinus1Factors = new Vector(); Vector pMinus1FactorMultiplicity = new Vector(); pMinus1Factors.addElement(primeQ); pMinus1FactorMultiplicity.addElement(new Integer(1)); initPrimes(); BigInteger pp = nextSmallestPrime(); while(!bigN.equals(BigInteger.ONE)){ if((bigN.mod(pp)).equals(BigInteger.ZERO)){ int j = 1; bigN = bigN.divide(pp); while( (bigN.mod(pp)).equals(BigInteger.ZERO) ){ bigN = bigN.divide(pp); j++; } pMinus1Factors.addElement(pp); pMinus1FactorMultiplicity.addElement((new Integer(j))); System.out.print("/"); } pp = nextSmallestPrime(); } System.out.println(); pMinus1factorization = new BigInteger[pMinus1Factors.size()]; pMinus1factorizationExponents = new int[pMinus1Factors.size()]; for(i = 0; i < pMinus1Factors.size(); i++){ pMinus1factorization[i] = (BigInteger)pMinus1Factors.elementAt(i); pMinus1factorizationExponents[i] = ((Integer)pMinus1FactorMultiplicity.elementAt(i)).intValue(); } } } /** * generates a 4-tuple (g1 g2 hg1 hg2) where * g1, g2, hg1, hg2 are generators of Z_p^* * This implementation relying on ORDinG and PRIMEL is due to * L"uneburg, Heinz: On the rational normal form of endomorphisms. A primer * to constructive algebra. Mannheim/Wien/Zuerich: B.I.-Wissenschaftsverlag. * 1987, chapter XIII. * * In addition, it projects generators down to (2... p/2) - * If g is a generator, then also -g is (!) */ private static void create4Generator(){ System.out.print("\n>> Guessing g1 "); g1 = projectDown(primel(), primeP); do { System.out.print("\n>> Guessing g2 "); g2 = projectDown(primel(), primeP); } while (g2.equals(g1)); do { System.out.print("\n>> Guessing hg1 "); hg1 = projectDown(primel(), primeP); } while (hg1.equals(g1) || hg1.equals(g2)); do { System.out.print("\n>> Guessing hg2 "); hg2 = projectDown(primel(), primeP); } while (hg2.equals(g1) || hg2.equals(g2) || hg2.equals(hg1) ); } /** * computes order of a element */ private static BigInteger ordInG(BigInteger x){ BigInteger ord = primeP.subtract(BigInteger.ONE); int j = 0; for(int i = 0; i < pMinus1factorization.length; i++){ System.out.print("*"); for(j = 1; j < pMinus1factorizationExponents[i]; j++){ if(x.modPow((ord.divide(pMinus1factorization[i])),primeP).equals(BigInteger.ONE) ){ System.out.print("@"); ord = ord.divide(pMinus1factorization[i]); } } if(x.modPow(ord.divide(pMinus1factorization[i]),primeP).equals(BigInteger.ONE)){ ord = ord.divide(pMinus1factorization[i]); } } return ord; } /** * Return a generator of ring primeP */ private static BigInteger primel(){ try { BigInteger p1 = primeP.subtract(BigInteger.ONE); BigInteger p3 = primeP.subtract(const3); BigInteger prim = ((new BigInteger(nbits, new Random())).mod(p3)).add(const2); BigInteger ord = ordInG(prim); BigInteger y; BigInteger ordy; BigInteger c; BigInteger s; BigInteger ss; System.out.print("--ok--"); while(-1 == ord.compareTo(primeP.subtract(BigInteger.ONE))){ y = ((new BigInteger(nbits, new Random())).mod(p3)).add(const2); ordy = ordInG(y); c = ordy.gcd(ord); s = ord.mod(ordy.divide(c)); if(ordy.equals(p1)){ prim = y; ord = ordy; } else { if ( (-1 == c.compareTo(ordy)) && (-1 == (BigInteger.ZERO).compareTo(s)) ){ ss = ordy.mod(ord.divide(c)); ss = ss.divide(ss.gcd(s)); prim = prim.modPow(ord.divide(s), primeP); prim = (prim.multiply(y.modPow(ordy.divide(ss), primeP)) ).mod(primeP); } } } return prim; } catch (java.lang.ArithmeticException e){ // sometimes has problems with division byte 0... RESTART in this case System.out.print("REDO"); return primel(); } } /** * Take Generator from the lower half */ private static BigInteger projectDown(BigInteger gen, BigInteger p){ if(-1 == (p.divide(const2)).compareTo(gen)) return p.subtract(gen); else return gen; } /** * Initialize nextSmallestPrime */ private static void initPrimes(){ primePointer = 0; } private static BigInteger nextSmallestPrime(){ if(primePointer < primes.size() ) return (BigInteger)primes.elementAt(primePointer++); else { BigInteger newPrime = ((BigInteger)primes.lastElement()).add(const2); int i = 1; while(-1 == ((((BigInteger)primes.elementAt(i-1)).multiply((BigInteger)primes.elementAt(i-1))).compareTo(newPrime))){ if(newPrime.mod((BigInteger)primes.elementAt(i)).equals(BigInteger.ZERO)){ newPrime = newPrime.add(const2); System.out.print("#"); i = 1; } else { i++; } } System.out.print(newPrime.toString()); primes.addElement(newPrime); return newPrime; } } // ================================================================= // [2] Print Results // ================================================================= /** * Show the computed Factorizations */ private static void showFactorization(){ int i; System.out.println(primeP.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).toString() + " = " ); for(i = 0; i < pMinus1factorization.length; i++){ System.out.print(pMinus1factorization[i].toString()); System.out.print("^" + pMinus1factorizationExponents[i]); if(i+1 < pMinus1factorization.length) System.out.print(" * "); System.out.println(); } } /** * Show Generators */ private static void showGenerators(){ System.out.println("\ng1: " + g1.toString()); System.out.println("g2: " + g2.toString()); System.out.println("hg1: " + hg1.toString()); System.out.println("hg2: " + hg2.toString()); } /** * Convert a BigInteger into a list of bytes */ private static String bytelist(BigInteger big){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); BigInteger n = big; byte b; do { if(sb.length() > 0) sb.insert(0, ", "); b = (byte)((n.mod(const256)).intValue()); n = n.divide(const256); if(n.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)){ if (b < 0) sb.insert(0, "0, " + b); else sb.insert(0, b ); break; } else { sb.insert(0, b ); } } while(true); return sb.toString(); } /** * write the complete CryptoModlue to a stream */ public static void outputCryptoModule(OutputStreamWriter os) throws java.io.IOException { os.write("/************************************************************\n"); os.write(" * @(#)CryptoModule.java\n"); os.write(" * \n"); os.write(" * Generated by KeyGeneratorCS V " + VERSION + "\n"); os.write(" * Created : " + DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(new Date()) + "\n"); os.write(" *\n"); os.write(" * Requires: java 1.1.5 (or higher)\n"); os.write(" * \n"); os.write(" * \n"); os.write(" * [as e.g. provided in Netscape 4.06]\n"); os.write(" *\n"); os.write(" * References:\n"); os.write(" * \n"); os.write(" * [CS98] Ronald Cramer and Victor Shoup: A practical public key crypto\n"); os.write(" * system provably secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack\n"); os.write(" * in proceedings of Crypto 1998, LNCS 1462, p.13ff \n"); os.write(" * \n"); os.write(" * No Copyright (!c)\n"); os.write(" */\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write("import java.math.BigInteger;\n"); os.write("import java.util.Random;\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write(" /**\n"); os.write(" * CryptoModule implements the Cramer-Shoup \n"); os.write(" * public key Crypto Algorithm\n"); os.write(" *\n"); os.write(" * If you want to use it, you can find more information on:\n"); os.write(" *
    os.write("   * see: http://www.verify-it.de/sub/cramer_shoup.html\n");
    os.write("   *      http://www.verify-it.de/sub/crypter.html\n");
    os.write("   *      http://www.verify-it.de/applet/KeyGeneratorCS.java\n");
    os.write("   * 
\n"); os.write(" * \n"); os.write(" */\n"); os.write("public class CryptoModule {\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write(" /************************************************************\n"); os.write(" * Public and secret keys\n"); os.write(" ************************************************************/\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" public String keyNameString = \"Method: Cramer-Shoup98\\nKey-Name: " + keyname + "-" + nbits + "\\nOwner: " + owner +"\\n\";\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" private SecretKey sk;\n"); os.write(" private PublicKey pk;\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" private Random rnd;\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" public CryptoModule(){\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" /****************************************\n"); os.write(" * Initialize:\n"); os.write(" * Set the keys to personal adjustings\n"); os.write(" ****************************************/\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" /*\n"); os.write(" * Method: Cramer-Shoup98\n"); os.write(" * Key-Name: " + keyname + "-" + nbits + "\n"); os.write(" * Owner: " + owner + "\n"); os.write(" */\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" byte[] p = { " + bytelist(primeP) + " };\n"); os.write(" byte[] hg1 = { " + bytelist(hg1) + " };\n"); os.write(" byte[] hg2 = { " + bytelist(hg2) + " };\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" byte[] g1 = { " + bytelist(g1) + " };\n"); os.write(" byte[] g2 = { " + bytelist(g2) + " };\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" byte[] c = { " + bytelist(c) + " };\n"); os.write(" byte[] d = { " + bytelist(d) + " };\n"); os.write(" byte[] h = { " + bytelist(h) + " };\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" /* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); os.write(" * SECRET KEY components start here [replace via { 0 }] \n"); os.write(" * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); os.write(" */\n"); os.write(" byte[] x1 = { " + bytelist(x1) + " };\n"); os.write(" byte[] x2 = { " + bytelist(x2) + " };\n"); os.write(" byte[] y1 = { " + bytelist(y1) + " };\n"); os.write(" byte[] y2 = { " + bytelist(y2) + " };\n"); os.write(" byte[] z = { " + bytelist(z) + " };\n"); os.write(" //****************************************\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" pk = new PublicKey(" + nbits + ",p,g1,g2,c,d,h,hg1,hg2);\n"); os.write(" sk = new SecretKey(" + nbits + ",p,x1,x2,y1,y2,z,hg1,hg2);\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" /****************************************\n"); os.write(" * Initiatize random generator\n"); os.write(" ****************************************/\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" rnd = new Random();\n"); os.write(" }\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" /************************************************************\n"); os.write(" * Converter Methods\n"); os.write(" ************************************************************/\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" private BigInteger bits2BigInteger(boolean[] bits){\n"); os.write(" int len = bits.length;\n"); os.write(" byte[] bytes = new byte[2 + (len/8)];\n"); os.write(" int b;\n"); os.write(" int index = 1+ len/8;\n"); os.write(" int bitIndex = 0;\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" // in bits: least significant bit comes first\n"); os.write(" // in bytes: most significant bit is first!\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" bytes[0] = 0; // play safe - we do not want a negative number...\n"); os.write(" bytes[1] = 0;\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" while(bitIndex127)b = b - 256;\n"); os.write(" bytes[i] = (byte)b;}\n"); os.write(" bytes[0] = 1;\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" return new BigInteger(bytes);\n"); os.write(" };\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" private boolean[] bitListOne(int k,\n"); os.write(" BigInteger b1){\n"); os.write(" // LEAST significant bits first...\n"); os.write(" boolean[] res = new boolean[k];\n"); os.write(" int i;\n"); os.write(" int index = 0;\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" for(i = 0; i \n"); os.write(" *\n"); os.write(" * The variable names used correspond to the ones in [CS98]\n"); os.write(" *\n"); os.write(" */\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write("class SecretKey {\n"); os.write(" int k; // number of bits\n"); os.write(" BigInteger p; // prime modulus\n"); os.write(" BigInteger x1; \n"); os.write(" BigInteger x2;\n"); os.write(" BigInteger y1;\n"); os.write(" BigInteger y2;\n"); os.write(" BigInteger z;\n"); os.write(" HashFunction hash;\n"); os.write(" \n"); os.write(" SecretKey(int k_id,\n"); os.write(" byte[] p_rep,\n"); os.write(" byte[] x1_rep,\n"); os.write(" byte[] x2_rep,\n"); os.write(" byte[] y1_rep,\n"); os.write(" byte[] y2_rep,\n"); os.write(" byte[] z_rep,\n"); os.write(" byte[] hash_g1_rep,\n"); os.write(" byte[] hash_g2_rep){\n"); os.write(" k = k_id;\n"); os.write(" p = new BigInteger(p_rep);\n"); os.write(" x1 = new BigInteger(x1_rep);\n"); os.write(" x2 = new BigInteger(x2_rep);\n"); os.write(" y1 = new BigInteger(y1_rep);\n"); os.write(" y2 = new BigInteger(y2_rep);\n"); os.write(" z = new BigInteger(z_rep);\n"); os.write(" hash = new HashFunction(hash_g1_rep,hash_g2_rep);\n"); os.write(" }\n"); os.write("}\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write("class PublicKey {\n"); os.write(" int k;\n"); os.write(" BigInteger p;\n"); os.write(" BigInteger g1;\n"); os.write(" BigInteger g2;\n"); os.write(" BigInteger c;\n"); os.write(" BigInteger d;\n"); os.write(" BigInteger h;\n"); os.write(" HashFunction hash;\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write(" PublicKey(int k_id,\n"); os.write(" byte[] p_rep,\n"); os.write(" byte[] g1_rep,\n"); os.write(" byte[] g2_rep,\n"); os.write(" byte[] c_rep,\n"); os.write(" byte[] d_rep,\n"); os.write(" byte[] h_rep,\n"); os.write(" byte[] hash_g1_rep,\n"); os.write(" byte[] hash_g2_rep){\n"); os.write(" k = k_id;\n"); os.write(" p = new BigInteger(p_rep);\n"); os.write(" g1 = new BigInteger(g1_rep);\n"); os.write(" g2 = new BigInteger(g2_rep);\n"); os.write(" c = new BigInteger(c_rep);\n"); os.write(" d = new BigInteger(d_rep);\n"); os.write(" h = new BigInteger(h_rep);\n"); os.write(" hash = new HashFunction(hash_g1_rep,hash_g2_rep);\n"); os.write(" }\n"); os.write("}\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write("\n"); os.write("\n"); os.flush(); } }