@TechReport{BRICS-RS-01-11, author = "David, Alexandre and M{\"o}ller, M. Oliver", title = {{F}rom {{\sc HUppaal}} to {{\sc Uppaal}}: {A} translation from hierarchical timed automata to flat timed automata}, spinetitle = {{F}rom {H}ierarichcal {T}imed {A}utomata to {\sc {U}ppaal}}, institution = "{BRICS}", year = 2001, type = "Research Series", number = "RS-01-11", address = "Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus", OPTkey = "", month = mar, OPTnote = "", abstract = "We present a hierarchical version of timed automata, equipped with data types, hand-shake synchronization, and local variables. We describe the formal semantics of this {\em hierarchical timed automata} (HTA) formalism in terms of a transition system.\bibpar We report on the implementation of a flattening algorithm, that translates our formalism to a network of {\sc Uppaal} timed automata. We establish a correspondence between symbolic states of an HTA and its translations, and thus are able to make use of {\sc Uppaal}'s simulator and model checking engine.\bibpar This technique is exemplified with a cardiac pacemaker model. Here, the overhead introduced by the translation is tolerable. We give run-time data for deadlock checking, timed reachability, and timed response analysis", OPTlinkhtmlabs ="", OPTlinkdvi = "", OPTlinkps = "", OPTlinkpdf = "", OPTannote = "" }